Role as Lead Media – Jill Mossop
It is with pleasure that the DCCCuk appointed Jill Mossop as a new lead media officer of DCCCuk, covering all regional areas such as Deaf Campers South West (DCSW), Welcome Deaf Campers (WDC), Central Deaf Camping (CDC) and Deaf Caravanning and Camping Club North (DCCC North).
Jill’s role is to volunteer and encourage the DCCCuk members to work with each events in each regional area, such as DCCCuk Annual Holiday, AGM, DCSW, WDC, CDC & DCCCN.
Your events wherever you are, are being responsible to create (photos and/or reports) and deliver to media officer to add all your information onto our media such as website, DCCCuk facebook and your regional area facebooks.
Email us to:- jillmossop@yahoo.com